Category: News

Welcome to Clonlara School’s 50th Year!

Welcome to Clonlara School’s 50th Year!

By Chandra Montgomery Nicol, Executive Director Since our first day on October 3, 1967, Clonlara School has grown strong roots in the Ann Arbor community and has touched many lives both locally and globally through our programs. Pat Montgomery, Clonlara’s founder, began with a dream…

Making Connections a World Away

By Bev Munday, Director of Education I left Michigan on August 1, flying to India for a four-day to visit Sri Atmanada Memorial School, which has been affiliated with Clonlara since 2005. I had never been to India and expected to experience a very different…
Congratulations, Class of 2017!

Congratulations, Class of 2017!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] By Kevin Fitzgerald, Editor Clonlara School’s Class of 2017 included 109 students, representing 18 U.S. states and 20 countries. Each of these students had their own individual interests, passions, and goals, and while many did not know each other personally, they all shared the support…
The Learning Edge Gets a New (Online) Home

The Learning Edge Gets a New (Online) Home

By Chandra Montgomery Nicol, Executive Director If you are like me, the start of a new school year might seem less like a beginning and more like a continuation of a learning journey. After all, does learning ever really stop? For me, the years seem…