Kategorien: Learning Resources


A Deeper Education

By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor Learning is a continuous process, so why examine a subject once and be “done” with it? Instead, return to it again and again and explore it in different ways, from different angles, and on different levels. This spiral approach…

Picture Books Are for Everyone

By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor Picture books seem to have gone out of fashion. Of course, they are still popular in early elementary education, but as soon as children are old enough to read, we tend to steer them away from illustrated books. I’m…

The Value of Learning Handwriting

By Bev Munday, Director of Education As we use technology more and more, it appears that the art of handwriting is being lost, especially among younger people. To some, the topic might even be obsolete. My own three daughters now do so much using their…
Summertime and the Learnin’ Continues…

Summertime and the Learnin’ Continues…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Cassie Espich, Off-Campus Program Advisor Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere, and many of you might be wondering what your students can do for the next few months! Some of you might choose to continue specific academic studies throughout the summer, maybe through…
The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Learning

The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Learning

By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor Quotes make me think. They distill ideas down to their essence, raise questions, and inspire me to go out and learn more to build my own understanding of a topic or interest area. When it comes to learning, a…
Television’s New Reality: Media Resources for Parents in the Age of Video Streaming

Television’s New Reality: Media Resources for Parents in the Age of Video Streaming

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Emily Fitzgerald, Guest Author In March, Netflix released a new series that immediately became popular among teenagers and young adults. 13 Reasons Why, based on a novel of the same name, is about a 17-year-old girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes explaining why…

Supporting Students with Special Needs

By Cassie Espich, Off-Campus Program Advisor You might have heard about the newest Sesame Street character, Julia, whose television debut this April was timed to coincide with Autism Awareness Month. The new Muppet is a 4-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As someone with…
Let Your Child Be Your Teacher

Let Your Child Be Your Teacher

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor I played two characters: the “perfect” student, Mary Ingalls, and the “class clown,” Johnny Johnson. My daughter played Laura Ingalls, the schoolteacher. (Using a bit of revisionist history, we made Mary the younger sister for the purposes of our…
Solving the Case of the Boring Science Lesson

Solving the Case of the Boring Science Lesson

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Carol Caraccia, Off-Campus Program Advisor Who doesn’t love a good mystery? With the popularity of television crime shows today, forensic science can be a fun and different twist on traditional science subjects for students of all ages. It challenges creative reasoning and problem-solving skills,…
Bringing Learning to Life Through “Living Books”

Bringing Learning to Life Through “Living Books”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor I’m 49 years old. I don’t remember everything I learned in school, but what I remember most isn’t information I studied in textbooks or was exposed to via what my daughter describes as “consume-information-and-regurgitate-it” activities. Instead, everything I remember…