
Encontrar a melhor opção educativa para o seu filho manter a curiosidade e a vontade de aprender de forma a prosperar no seu percurso académico.

Vamos começar!


Nós sabemos que esta é uma grande decisão!

Se está a ponderar se a Clonlara School é a escolha certa para a sua família, responda a estas perguntas com atenção:

• Acredita que as crianças e jovens aprendem melhor quando os seus próprios interesses servem de guia para as suas atividades?
• Gostaria de receber um apoio altamente personalizado para ajudar na jornada de aprendizagem do seu filho?
• Pretende que o seu filho participe na conceção e aplicação do currículo?
• Gostaria de participar ativamente no processo de aprendizagem do seu filho?
• Sente-se inspirado pela possibilidade de fazer parte de uma comunidade global de estudantes e respetivas famílias que partilham diferentes culturas e idiomas?

Se respondeu “SIM!” a qualquer uma destas perguntas, então está pronto para aprender mais sobre os nossos programas e descobrir como a Clonlara pode apoiar a sua família.



Aguardamos o seu contato!

Quando nos CONTACTAR ou SOLICITAR INFORMAÇÕES para saber mais sobre como se inscrever na Clonlara, um membro da nossa equipa de Admissions entrará em contato para responder às suas questões e conhecê-lo melhor.
Também lhe falaremos sobre os nossos webinars e outras oportunidades que terá para conhecer melhor os nossos programas e serviços.


Pronto para começar a aprender connosco?

Após conhecer um pouco mais sobre a Clonlara e falar com a nossa equipa, pode preencher o FORMULÁRIO DE INSCRIÇÃO. Estamos disponíveis para ajudá-lo durante todo o processo de matrícula.

Bem-vindo à nossa comunidade global de aprendizagem!

Ano letivo 2024–25

K-8Anuidade – 1º aluno1070€
Anuidade – Reinscrição880€
9-12Anuidade – 1º aluno1260€
Anuidade – Reinscrição1070€


1º aluno185 €
Irmãos55 €

Outras taxas e serviços

Política de Reembolso

Inscrição Off-campus

Flexible Enrollment Options

In addition to our full-time Off-Campus Program, Clonlara offers a range of enrollment options that can be tailored to a family’s unique needs and circumstances. 

Please contact us for more information or to enroll in these programs.

Clonlara’s Short-Term Enrollment Program gives K–12 students enrolled in other private or public schools the opportunity for independent study. Students can explore new subjects, take a semester away, or enroll part time in Clonlara’s Off-Campus Program and part time in another school. High school students can earn credit that transfers to other schools.


The Short-Term Enrollment Program is ideal for students who

  • Want to learn a subject not offered at their regular school.
  • Want to continue learning during an unexpected school closure.
  • Are gifted and have a special interest they want to study in-depth.
  • Are experiencing health issues that prevent them from attending school full time.
  • Need credit recovery (high school only) due to illness, learning disabilities, or other reasons.

All students receive

  • Guidance and support from Clonlara advisors who help develop and implement a plan of independent study.
  • Resource suggestions.
  • Documentation of learning.
  • The opportunity to connect with Clonlara students around the world.

In addition, high school students (grades 9–12) receive

  • The option to earn up to two (2) credits in Clonlara’s Off-Campus Program or one (1) credit in our Online Program.
  • 12 months to complete their coursework.
  • The ability to transfer credits earned in the Short-Term Program to their school of record.


Review the following short-term enrollment options and select the one that is right for your family. For more information, please contact us.

Any student in grades K–12 may concurrently enroll in the Off-Campus Program and another school. Clonlara School can grant credit and have the credit transferred to the other school, or we can accept credits toward a Clonlara diploma from other accredited schools.

At the high school level, students usually work with their guidance counselor to choose what classes they want to take as independent study classes with Clonlara advisor services. The classes they choose should fit into their goals for high school graduation and post-graduation plans.


OverviewIdeal for Students Who
Students receive all the same services and benefits of Clonlara’s K–12 students.Want to undertake independent studies.
Credits must be pre-approved by the student’s regular school.Want to study at a faster or a slower pace than the classroom allows.
Upon completion of approved credits, student submits a transcript request for Clonlara School credits.Want to study a subject not offered by their high school.
For each year that a student re-enrolls, a new signed credit verification form must be submitted.Benefit from not being in a classroom full time for emotional or health reasons.
 Have a learning disability and need additional support provided outside the classroom.
 Are gifted and want to study a subject in greater depth.
 Have a travel opportunity.

Fees and Refund Policy

  • Regular tuition rates apply.


Pre-Approval Required

Before enrolling, families should contact contact us and speak with the guidance counselor at their regular school to determine how dual enrollment might fit with their overall educational plan.

The student’s school must pre-approve the credits to be earned while enrolled in Clonlara’s dual enrollment program. To request pre-approval, download our Verification for Accepting Credits Form (PDF) and have it completed by a guidance counselor or other official at the school to which the credits will be transferred.


After Clonlara receives the signed verification form, we can proceed with the enrollment process.


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