Mindset: An Effective Stress Management Tool

By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor Many students and parents have shared that stress has a major impact on their lives. I have found that stress itself is not inherently problematic; the problem arises when you have a negative, destructive, or unproductive response to stress. One simple solution: change your mindset. This strategy is effective […]
Questions, Questions, and More Questions

By Pat Montgomery, Founder Editor’s Note: From time to time, we’ll “look back” through our archives to share articles that are as relevant today as when they were printed. In this piece that was originally published in the Fall 2011 issue of The Learning Edge, Clonlara’s founder speaks to parents’ concerns about teaching their children. Somewhere along the […]
Rower, Linguist, Advocate…and the List Goes On

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Shari Maser, Off-Campus Program Advisor In an article this summer, The Lowell Sun profiled Turner Netherton’s experiences as a homeschooler, rower, and recent recruit of the University of Wisconsin’s crew team. As with many Clonlara students who have taken charge of their education, though, there’s more of Turner’s story to be told, and we’re […]
Are You a Lifelong Learner?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Bev Munday, Director of Education This may seem like a strange question for a post in The Learning Edge. After all, aren’t we all about learning and education at Clonlara School? Yes, we are, however, not everyone is a lifelong learner or sees the value of continuing to learn. I’m not referring to K-12 […]
The Learning Edge Gets a New (Online) Home

By Chandra Montgomery Nicol, Executive Director If you are like me, the start of a new school year might seem less like a beginning and more like a continuation of a learning journey. After all, does learning ever really stop? For me, the years seem to continue along like a river, flowing into each other. […]